13 Feb 2020

The celebration of the Sport Day is a reflection of the vision of Qatar 2030 that aims to raise awareness towards sport and its importance in the building of a nation and making it an essential part of the daily life of the people in Qatar. In consistent with the concept, Qatar Steel participated in the celebration of National Sport Day to promote the benefits of an active healthy lifestyle among its employees and their families. In the presence of the Managing Director & CEO Eng. Mohammed bin Nasser Al Hajri, Chief officers, Departments managers and a large number of employees and their families, a series of sport activities were planned and executed. Qatar Steel organized fitness activities and fun sport including march past, slow jogging, race, tug-off-war, and team games like, football, cricket, long tennis and basketball. An abundant enthusiasm was noticed among the employees. In the course of Read more…

23 Jan 2020

Qatar Steel MD & CEO Eng. Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Hajri, Chief Officers and Dept. Managers honoured a number of employees at a special ceremony held at Qatar Steel Doha Office, marking their end of service. Eng. Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Hajri expressed his appreciation for their dedication and generous support over the years. He wished them the best of luck and continued success wherever they may find themselves in future.

23 Dec 2019

Qatar Steel Company, the first integrated steel plant in Arabian Gulf, hold its 35th Quality Control Forum in GRAND HYATT Hotel. This is an important event on the company’s calendar, and was attended by MD & CEO, Chiefs and other Department Managers, other than the employees of the company. Aiming toward Building the Future, the QC Circle activities are aimed at encouraging employees to create new ideas in order to improve working conditions, safety, and individual development for the growth of the organization. Elaborating on the significance of QC Circle in Qatar Steel, MD & CEO of Qatar Steel Eng. Mohammed Nasser Al-Hajri said, ‘Qatar Steel constantly endeavors to move beyond the traditional “total quality management” to explore how we can create a culture in which employees “live” quality in all their actions – where they are passionate about quality as a personal value, and not just simply obeying an Read more…