03 Dec 2013

Due to its strategic importance, Qatar Steel Company, the first integrated steel company in the Arabian gulf, participated in THE BIG 5 SHOW, held from 25- 28 Nov. 2013 in Dubai. The event attracted over 2500 exhibitors from 75 countries. The State of Qatar had a special stand in the big 5 show containing 33 Qatari companies, with 11 more this year, aiming to boost the competitive position of the exporting companies, developing and promoting Qatari exports in building and constructions sector. The Big 5 is the largest trade show for the Construction and industry in the Middle East and North Africa.  Qatar Steel is keen to participate in this event every year, as it highlights the booming construction industry in the region, and as it is a meeting place for building and civil engineering professionals, traders, and businessmen interested in contractions sector, both international and locally. The Big 5 Read more…

24 Nov 2013

In recognition of its excellence in sustainability reporting, and in compliance with sustainable development, Qatar Steel’s 2012 sustainability report has achieved an A rating from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) following an externally audit for assurance of the accuracy of its content. Qatar Steel was recognized for excellence in producing 2011 sustainability report, and it was awarded among other seven large-scale leading industrial companies in Qatar, “Runner-Up Certificate, for commitment to sustainable development, and for the company’s performance, and progress in environmental, social and economic domains. Mr. Ali Bin Hasan Al-Muraikhi, Director and General Manager of Qatar Steel declared that this achievement to get A- rating in 2012 sustainability reporting reflects, with no doubt, our relentless commitment to sustainable development, and our constant efforts to preserve the environment, in line with Qatar National Vision 2030, and the National Development Strategy 2011-2016. In this respect, we are keen to turn all our Read more…

24 Nov 2013

In line with its support to local community, Qatar Steel has signed an agreement with Administration of Civil Defense to sponsor all activities and functions related to 4th Civil Defense Exhibition & Conference, being held from 11th -13th Nov. 2013 at Qatar Conventions Centre. Mr. Ahmed Abdulaziz Al-Ansari, Commercial Division Manager, signed the agreement on behalf of Mr. Ali bin Hassan Al-Muraikhi, Director & GM of Qatar Steel. Staff Brigadier Abdullah Mohamed al-Suwaidi, Director-General of Civil Defense Administration also signed the agreement. Mr. Ali Bin Hassan Al-Muraikhi, Director & General Manager of Qatar Steel declared that this agreement with Administration of Civil Defense stems from our belief in the role played by this administration as a national organization, and in the great services they present and the responsibilities they extend to the community. “The 4th Civil Defense Exhibition & Conference and the related activities including cultural and awareness programs would Read more…