Environmental Management and Environmental Risk Management
At Qatar Steel, we have implemented an efficient Environment Management System (EMS) that complies with the ISO 14001:2015 standard and meets the Environment Protection Regulations established by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) in Qatar. We strive for continual improvement of our systems and processes, conducting internal and external audits.
Our environmental performance is measured, analysed, and communicated to all our stakeholders. In addition, we have developed a comprehensive monitoring plan to comply with the Consent to Operate (CTO) permit issued by the MoECC and we share quarterly environmental reports with relevant departments within the organisation, QatarEnergy, and the MoECC. The monitoring and reporting cover topics such as air emissions, noise levels, ambient air quality, hazardous waste management, groundwater quality, by-products management, and the use of recycled materials within our operational area. All reports and records are carefully reviewed and monitored to ensure compliance. Should any deviations from the CTO conditions be identified, strict mitigation measures and recommended controls are implemented. In 2022, we successfully secured CTO permits for the graphite electro coating workshop and fuel station. These permits are valid until 2025.Finally, we are pleased to announce that we incurred no fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws or regulations over the past three years.
Environmental Risk Assessment
At Qatar Steel, environmental risk assessment is an integral part of our comprehensive environmental management approach. We undertake a diligent analysis of both our direct and indirect environmental impacts, examining our interactions with the environment and those of our business partners. Through this process, we identify potential environmental risks, and we maintain a dedicated risk register that classifies them based on severity and magnitude.
Our environmental performance is measured, analysed, and communicated to stakeholders. We have developed a comprehensive monitoring plan to comply with the Consent to Operate (CTO) permit issued by the MoECC and we share quarterly environmental reports with relevant departments within the organisation, QatarEnergy, and the MoECC.
The monitoring and reporting cover topics such as air emissions, noise levels, ambient air quality, hazardous waste management, groundwater quality, by-products management, and the use of recycled materials within our operational area. All reports and records are carefully reviewed and monitored to ensure compliance. Should any deviations from the CTO conditions be identified, strict mitigation measures and recommended controls are implemented.
In 2022, we successfully secured CTO permits for the graphite electro coating workshop and fuel station These permits are valid until 2025.
Finally, we are proud to state that we incurred no fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws or regulations over the past three years.
At Qatar Steel, environmental risk assessment is an integral part of our comprehensive environmental management
approach. We undertake a diligent analysis of both our direct and indirect environmental impacts, examining our interactions with the environment and those of our business partners. Through this process, we identify potential environmental risks, and we maintain a dedicated risk register that classifies them based on severity and magnitude.
Once identified, each environmental risk undergoes a meticulous analysis to determine suitable mitigation actions. Our aim is to reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring or minimise its impact if it does manifest. Our primary emphasis is on tackling critical environmental and climate changerelated risks. These efforts encompass preventing potential spills, ensuring proper management of hazardous waste, complying with CTO conditions, mitigating risks associated with Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and effectively managing byproducts to minimise associated risks.
Proactively addressing these risks is vital to preventing adverse environmental impacts and ensuring the long-term sustainability of our operations. Our mitigation actions, for example, prioritise preventive measures such as conducting regular inspections and maintenance activities, and providing comprehensive training to our employees and relevant stakeholders. We also invest in state-of-the-art technologies and infrastructure that adhere to stringent environmental standards.
By identifying and mitigating potential environmental risks, we strive to minimise our environmental impact and safeguard the ecosystems in which we operate.
The Environmental Committee
The Environment Committee (ECO) develops strategies, programmes, and projects that assist the organisation in meeting our requirements in the field of environment and climate change. For example, in 2023 the Warehouse with support from the facility developed a grass lawn around the New Oil and Lubricants store. The purpose of this lawn is to trap the blowing dust and reduce soil erosion.
The ECO is responsible for sharing information on recent developments in all areas of the environment covering both policy and technical aspects. We regularly submit a quarterly environmental report to the MoECC. There were no concerns received from MoECC in 2023.Qatar Steel’s Environment Committee is also responsible for overseeing our involvement in the Climate Action data collection programme, providing the required data on an annual basis. In 2023, Qatar Steel ECO participated in Environmental Sustainability Workshop organised by QatarEnergy.