Health and Safety Performance
Our H&S procedures play a crucial role in guiding the adherence to safety protocols during regular activities. Our risk management process encompasses a comprehensive approach to identify and assess risks and hazards before commencing any activity, irrespective of its nature. As part of this risk management process, all operational departments are responsible for maintaining an approved Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) Register for routine activities. For nonroutine activities, a valid PTW is required, which necessitates a HIRA or Job Safety Analysis (JSA) to ensure the incorporation of necessary controls. The Operations team (Permit Issuer) and Maintenance team (Permit Executor) are accountable for verifying the implementation of controls before issuing the permit. Additionally, contractors are also required to submit their risk assessments for review by our HSE department before commencing their activities.
Qatar Steel has also implemented the “STOP Card” system, empowering workers to halt any activity they evaluate to be unsafe or during which they perceive themselves to be in danger. This system encourages proactive approach to safety by providing a mechanism for employees to report concerns or potential hazards. STOP Card incidents are documented and reported through the ERP system.
In the event of an incident occurring, Qatar Steel has developed a classification system based on the actual and potential severity of the incident, ranging from S1 to S5, S1 being the lowest severity. Incidents categorised as S3, and above incidents are assigned to the HSE Manager for analysis and selection of a Team Leader. The Team Leader will assign investigation team members who are subject matter experts and they will conduct a full investigation using the WHY Tree Analysis methodology to determine the root cause and thereafter identify corrective actions. This analytical approach helped identify the root causes and contributing factors behind each incident, allowing us to implement targeted corrective actions and preventive measures. During 2023, we experienced some incidents involving employees and contractors, primarily related to falling from height, hand injuries, and being caught in between objects. To thoroughly investigate these incidents, a comprehensive analysis was conducted using this Why Tree methodology. The determination of enhanced control measures are based on hierarchy of controls, and, and in cases where the risk of injuries remained high despite these measures, additional personal protective equipment (PPE) was adopted.
To help monitor health and safety performance, Qatar Steel procured & installed a new HSE Performance Statistics New Board. This board will indicate leading and lagging indicators and help remind employees of health and safety issues that need to b that they need to be aware of. Qatar Steel has also established targets to minimise its Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) and Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR). These metrics are calculated based on 1 million manhours for both our employees and contractors. In 2023, there was in an increase in the LTIFR and TRIR due to the increased number of reportable injuries mostly due to behavioral safety related issues. In 2024, Qatar Steel is planning to provide more focus on Behaviour Safety Training to all employees. Moreover, Qatar Steel is implementing pre-task risk assessments to enhance communication effectiveness and bolster safety measures.