Within the framework of cooperation and collaboration, the National Human Rights Commission visited Qatar Steel and presented a lecture elaborating on the establishment of Human Rights Commission in Qatar and principles followed on the occasion of celebration of 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Mr. Mohammed bin Saleh Al Mahdi, Administration Division Manager at Qatar Steel expressed, ‘Qatar Steel is pro-active to human rights issues, and has shown strong interests in organizing this lecture at its plant site in conjunction with the celebrations of International Human Rights Day’. He said: ‘We are keen that all employees of the company are fully aware of their rights and duties to be included their behavior and culture. He stressed that the senior management of the company closely follows the requirements of employees and re-assures their living conditions in terms of appropriate housing that fits and complies with the standards set by the State as provided in the human rights conventions and charters, in addition to full health care for all employees in Qatar Steel’.
Al-Mahdi called for a partnership between Qatar Steel and the National Committee for Human Rights concerning education and training on various human rights issues.